Year 9 | Outdoor Education Booster

The outdoor Education EI Development Program builds upon the development of existing emotional intelligence competencies utilising the distinct, real world learning opportunities that come with the outdoor education experience (e.g. camp)

Year 9 | Outdoor Education Booster

Program Synopsis

The outdoor Education EI Development Program builds upon the development of existing emotional intelligence competencies utilising the distinct, real world learning opportunities that come with the outdoor education experience (e.g. camp). Students attending outdoor education experience are presented with a unique and dynamic opportunity for personal development; discovery of depth of character, strengthening interpersonal bonds and overcoming physical and emotional challenges. While lessons offer learning outcomes encompassing the spectrum of EI competencies in the four branch model, there is greater flexibility in the order of delivery of activities in this program than others in the suite. Unlike other programs, some activities span many weeks and it is therefore likely that activities in this program may run concurrently to achieve best results

Outdoor Education EI Development Program

14-15 Years

Year Level:
Year 9 (Australia)

Number of lessons:
4 lessons

Lesson Duration:
30 – 90 minutes

Teacher Manual:

Teacher resources:
Yes (emotions list).

Student resources:
Yes (student worksheets)

Teacher training:
Yes (6 hours)

Every Aristotle-EI program comes with extensive teacher training to ensure you get the best from the materials.

Ongoing support:

We partner schools to implement programs and provide continue support and assistance.

Course Overview

Module 1


Emotions Tracker

Folio Project: Search for Emotions

Conquering negative self-talk

Operation “Feel Good”

In addition to emotional intelligence development, the outdoor education EI Development Program activities further highlight the importance of key values. These encompass utilising emotions to overcoming challenges, perseverance, dealing with change, fostering quality relationships, managing negative emotions and complex group dynamics. These are all significant areas for students who are navigating their way through the Outdoor Education Program the EI development opportunities have been designed with the goal to complement the Outdoor Education experience. The Outdoor Education Booster Program has been designed to complement these experiences by providing opportunities for concurrent development in the area of Emotional Intelligence.

We have worked with many schools in the primary and secondary school sectors around the world, all with unique students, long term objectives and capacities in which to get there. We would be happy to share our experience with you to help find the most suitable way for your school to move forward in utilising EI assessments and/or programs.

Get in touch here